Graphical Approach to College Algebra, A (5th Edition) (Hornsby/Lial/Rockswold Graphical Approach Series) артикул 9957d.
Graphical Approach to College Algebra, A (5th Edition) (Hornsby/Lial/Rockswold Graphical Approach Series) артикул 9957d.

A Graphical Approach to College Algebra illustrates how the graph of a function can be used to support the solutions of equations and inequalities involving the function Beginning with linear functions in Chapter 1, the text uses a four-part process to analyze each type of function, starting first with the graph of the function, then the equation, озгив the associated inequality of that equation, and ending with applications The text covers all of the topics typically caught in a college algebra course, but with an organization that fosters students’ understanding of the interrelationships among graphs, equations, and inequalities With the Fifth Edition, the text continues to evolve as it addresses the changing needs of today’s students Included are additional components to build skills, address critical thinking, solve applications, and apply technology to support traditional algebraic solutions, while maintaining its unique table of contents and functions-based approach A Graphical Approach to College Algebra continues to incorporate an open design, with helpful features, careful explanations of topics, and a comprehensive package of supplements and study aids to provide new and relevant opportunities for learning and teaching Linear Functions, Equations, and Inequalities; Analysis of Graphs of Functions; Polynomial Functions; Rational, Power, and Root Functions; Inverse, Exponential, and Logarithmic Functions; Analytic Geometry; Systems of Equations and Inequalities; Matrices; Further Topics in Algebra; Reference: Basic Algebraic Concepts MARKET: For all readers interested in college algebra.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 768 стр ISBN 032164476X.

Подарки из батика артикул 9959d.
Подарки из батика артикул 9959d.

В книге описана технология изготовления изделий способом батик, который является одним из древнейших в ручной художественной росписи тканей Вы узнаете историю его возникновения; озгип о том какие краски, материал, инструменты необходимы; о методах выполнения работ: о свободной росписи тканей, холодном, горячем, узелковом батике Это издание поможет вам освоить это искусство и создать оригинальные произведения, которые станут прекрасными подарками вашим друзьям и родным Рассчитана на широкий круг читателей Автор Анатолий Жолобчук.  Серия: Подарок своими руками.

Секреты макраме артикул 9961d.
Секреты макраме артикул 9961d.

Макраме станет для Вас приятным и увлекательным занятием, если Вы будете учиться нашим урокам: от простого к сложному, от завязывания узлов к технологическим приемам выполнения озгиу предметов интерьера и дополнений к одежде На каждом этапе обучения Вы сможете сплести готовые изделия, более 150 описаний которых приведены в книге Автор Татьяна Терешкович.  Серия: На все руки мастерица.

Порядок приема граждан в имеющие государственную аккредитацию образовательные учреждения высшего профессионального образования артикул 9963d.
Порядок приема граждан в имеющие государственную аккредитацию образовательные учреждения высшего профессионального образования артикул 9963d.

Текст Приказа Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации от 21 12 2009 №442 "Об утверждении Порядка приема граждан в имеющие государственную аккредитацию образовательные озгйг учреждения высшего профессионального образования" подготовлен с использованием профессиональной юридической системы "Кодекс", сверен с официальным источником.  Издательство: Проспект, 2010 г Мягкая обложка, 32 стр ISBN 978-5-392-01243-5 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Passing Gas: And Other Towns on the American Highway артикул 9965d.
Passing Gas: And Other Towns on the American Highway артикул 9965d.

Book DescriptionPassing Gas And Other Towns Along the American Highway by Gary Gladstone "Explaining how to find her café in Gas, Kansas, Bonnie Steward said, Come down Route 12, but if you blink, youll pass Gas " Gas isnt all youll be passing if you come along for the ride with author Gary Gladstone on a cross-country road trip озгйи across the U S A With camera in hand and the penchant for the unexpected, Gladstone captures a photographic portrait of small towns with unusual names and the folks who keep them on the map with their (admittedly offbeat) civic pride Youll meet bar buddies Don, Ron, and Flakey Jake from Goofy Ridge, Illinois; stop in at the mechanics shop in Nothing, Arizona, to confirm that Nothing really does sit in the middle of nowhere; and be regaled with colorful stories from the locals of Boogertown, North Carolina, about how the town got its name So jump in the backseat of the car and get ready for an honest slice of apple-pie America, chock full of myths, legends, and laughs.  2003 г 144 стр ISBN 1580084567.

Comparative Biology of Aging артикул 9967d.
Comparative Biology of Aging артикул 9967d.

The processes of aging and death remain one of the most fascinating, and mysterious, areas of biological research Huge anomalies between species raise questions the answers to which could have fundamental implications for the field of medical science As scientists unlock the secrets of the exceptionally long-lived little brown bat (up to 34 озгйо years), or the common budgerigar, for example, which despite having a metabolic rate 1 5 times that of a laboratory mouse, can live for up to 20 years, it has become more important than ever to be able to make a comparative analysis of the various species used in research Dealing with every one of the mammalian species that are employed in laboratory research, this is the first book on the subject of aging that provides detailed comparative data for age-related changes in its subjects It does so at the level of the whole animal, its organs, organelles and molecules The comparative data, supplied in 15 chapters by leading experts, provides information on fields as disparate as telomere function and loss, the importance of the Sirtuins and Tor, the influence of hormones on lifespans, the relationship between body size and lifespan, the effects of restricted calorific intake, age-related changes in cell replication, and DNA damage and repair Chapters are devoted to cardiac aging, comparative skeletal muscle aging, the aging of the nervous and immune systems, the comparative biology of lyosomal function and how it is affected by age, and many other key areas of research This much-needed text will provide scientists working in a wide spectrum of fields with key data to aid them in their studies.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 394 стр ISBN 9048134641.

Поделки из бисера для любимой мамочки артикул 9969d.
Поделки из бисера для любимой мамочки артикул 9969d.

Самые красивые подарки ты можешь сделать своими руками Представь только, как будут рады родные и друзья, получив от тебя удивительные сувениры Эта книжка поможет тебе сплести озгйс из бисера и стекляруса множество забавных и оригинальных игрушек Попробуй, это совсем несложно! Автор Алла Магина.  Серия: Подарок своими руками.

Weight Control and Slimming Ingredients in Food Technology артикул 9971d.
Weight Control and Slimming Ingredients in Food Technology артикул 9971d.

Unique in its approach and coverage, Weight Control and Slimming Ingredients in Food Technology identifies those ingredients that promote weight loss based on credible science review Numerous ingredients are presented and analyzed according to the varying levels of supporting scientific evidence available, ranging from the well researched озгйх ingredients like green tea polyphenols and CLA to ingredients with only limited available data such as capsaicin Coverage includes analysis of slimming ingredients for new product development efforts, detailed information on global suppliers, and guidance for food labeling purposes.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 312 стр ISBN 0813813239.

400 узоров для вязания на спицах артикул 9973d.
400 узоров для вязания на спицах артикул 9973d.

Вязание на спицах является одним из древнейших видов прикладного искусства, корни которого уходят в глубину веков Все богаче становится выбор узоров, а каждая вязальщица озгйъ вкладывает в изделие и свою фантазию, используя народные узоры Этот вид народного творчества живет и сегодня Узор для вязания - его основа основ От умения вязальщицы подобрать наиболее подходящий узор и нитки, зависят характер и вид связанного изделия В данной книге собрано около 400 узоров вязания, сгруппированных по принципу вывязывания петель В первой группе (№№ 1-102) представлены узоры из лицевых и изнаночных петель №№ 103-246 - узоры из снятых и сплетенных петель №№ 247-397 - ажурные узоры Узоры вязания снабжены соответствующими техническими рисунками с расшифровкой Автор Яна Крутий (составитель, автор).  Издательство: Феникс, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 88 стр ISBN 5-222-02221-8 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 60x84/8 (~210x280 мм).

The Democratic Party: A Photographic History артикул 9975d.
The Democratic Party: A Photographic History артикул 9975d.

Book DescriptionView the epic history of US politics, power, and government through the photo lens in this powerfully written and beautifully illustrated book The Democratic Party visually records victories and defeats in over 400 extensively captioned photographs with succinct linking text Travel through the campaigns, rallies, strategy озгйя meetings, conventions and on to the final vote This detailed survey helps you to see the history of the Party as it was and now is Portraits of key party members, posters, buttons, campaign memorabilia, and magazine covers are included.  2003 г 368 стр ISBN 1592230636.

Algorithms and Computation: 20th International Symposium, ISAAC 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 16-18, 2009 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Computer Science and General Issues) артикул 9977d.
Algorithms and Computation: 20th International Symposium, ISAAC 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 16-18, 2009 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Computer Science and General Issues) артикул 9977d.

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC 2009, held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA in December 2009 The 120 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 279 submissions for inclusion in the book This volume contains topics such as algorithms озгкм and data structures, approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational biology, computational complexity, computational geometry, cryptography, experimental algorithm methodologies, graph drawing and graph algorithms, internet algorithms, online algorithms, parallel and distributed algorithms, quantum computing and randomized algorithms.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 1228 стр ISBN 3642106307.

African Natural Plant Products: New Discoveries and Challenges In Chemistry and Quality (Acs Symposium Series) артикул 9979d.
African Natural Plant Products: New Discoveries and Challenges In Chemistry and Quality (Acs Symposium Series) артикул 9979d.

Africa has been and continues to be a significant source of medicinal and aromatic plants and botanicals to the world's food, drug, herb and dietary supplement market, and in the past decade numerous African plant materials have established a strong international market presence This book provides an excellent opportunity to delve into the current озгкт and future contributions that African plants can and will continue to make both internal to Africa and on the global stage This book expertly covers various medicinal plants of African origin and the some of the latest basic and clinical research supporting their ongoing and potential uses in self-care and healthcare This work also examines various issues and trends in medicinal plants from their uses in Traditional Medicine and ethnobotany, to our modern understanding of the plants chemistry and pharmacognosy, natural products chemistry and applications of medicinal plants, quality control, and models of benefit sharing.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 616 стр ISBN 0841269874.

Evolution of 3G Networks: The Concept, Architecture and Realization of Mobile Networks Beyond UMTS артикул 9981d.
Evolution of 3G Networks: The Concept, Architecture and Realization of Mobile Networks Beyond UMTS артикул 9981d.

This work covers the status of evolved 3G mobile network technology, as represented by 3GPPa??s SAE/LTE system, from the "inside" of standardization It presents architectures, underlying concepts and details of procedures on several levels to promote readersa?? understanding of the resulting design and specifications Remarks озгкх on history, detours, and alternatives that were not pursued provide additional insights for non-experts The author draws on his own notes and observations from standardization meetings, online discussions and company internal analyses, as well as comments and briefings from colleagues around the world, ensuring that readers receive a balanced view and deeper understanding.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 306 стр ISBN 3211094393.

Цветы из пайеток артикул 9983d.
Цветы из пайеток артикул 9983d.

Эта книга откроет для вас удивительный мир пайеток Из них можно изготовить разнообразные цветы, необычные букеты, а также сувениры и украшения Вы узнаете обо всех существующих озгкш приемах плетения, научитесь создавать как объемные, так и плоские изделия и композиции Овладеть техникой плетения из пайеток несложно, она доступна людям почти всех возрастов Надеемся, что книга станет источником для новых идей и творческих задач Автор Римма Гашицкая.  Издательство: Мартин, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 72 стр ISBN 978-5-8475-0424-9 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 80x100/16.

Betrayal артикул 9985d.
Betrayal артикул 9985d.

At the start of the adrenaline-infused 10th thriller to feature DA Dismas Hardy (Dead Irish, etc ) from bestseller Lescroart, Hardy agrees to wrap up some of the caseload of a Bay Area lawyer who has mysteriously disappeared After discovering that the lawyer was set to appeal an apparently straightforward murder case, Hardy realizes that the crime озгкъ had its origins in Iraq, where the alleged killer and his victim first met With the help of his old friend, Det Abe Glitsky, Hardy learns that the victim, ex-navy SEAL Ron Nolan, was sleeping with the girlfriend of National Guard Reservist Evan Scholler, who was later convicted of killing Nolan As Hardy and Glitsky dig deeper, they discover that Nolan had committed several murders himself, and it's up to Dismas and Hardy to unravel the conspiracy that may have roots in the U S government Lescroart weaves his trademark complicated yet fast-moving tale, full of believable characters and crisp dialogue A first-rate addition to the author's ongoing series, this should please both longtime readers and new fans Reprint edition Автор Sasha Blake.  2010 г 576 стр ISBN 9780553819151 Язык: Английский.

The Last Sunday in June артикул 9987d.
The Last Sunday in June артикул 9987d.

Book DescriptionIntroduction by Emil Wilbekin On the last Sunday in June, New York City celebrates Gay Pride Month by staging a parade of floats showboating south down Fifth Avenue to Christopher Street Originally staged to celebrate the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots of 1969, which mark the birth of the Gay Pride movement and the eventual озгла recognition of rights for gays and lesbians, Gay Pride Month now takes over the West Village in a parade that attracts close to a million people of all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, and classes The four-on-the-floor thump of house music pumps as caravans of divas, boob-flapping biker gals, and costumed creatures preen, primp, and pucker for cameras and spectators on the street Equally colorful is the crowd, clapping and cheering for the performers before parading about town themselves As a follow-up to his crazy successful, fashion and pop culture-influencing book of hip-hop's early daz, Back In The Days, photographer Jamel Shabazz takes a sharp turnin bringing to light a vastly original - and under-documented - emerging subculture in Last Sunday In June Drawing from an enormous cast of eye-catching characters, Shabazz showcases an extraordinary collection of luscious lesbians, tasteful transsexuals, and dramatic drag queens done up in their Sunday best to celebrate Gay Pride.  2003 г 128 стр ISBN 157687172X.

Коврики ручной работы Лоскутные коврики артикул 9989d.
Коврики ручной работы Лоскутные коврики артикул 9989d.

Переводчик: К Мольков Книга Энн Дэвис посвящена традиционному народному ремеслу - изготовлению лоскутных ковриков Техника изготовления ковриков отличается простотой, озглв не требует сложного оборудования и при должной сноровке не занимает много времени Используя предложенные в книге приемы и рекомендации, вы сможете превратить старые лоскутки в уникальные домашние украшения, полностью соответствующие вашему вкусу Автор Энн Дэвис Ann Davies.  Издательство: Контэнт, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 48 стр ISBN 5-98150-048-4, 0-85532-807-Х.

How to Make Hand-Hooked Rag Rugs.
Daddy Cool : Humorous and Meaningful Quotes on Fatherhood (Inspiring Ideas for Parents) артикул 9991d.
Daddy Cool : Humorous and Meaningful Quotes on Fatherhood (Inspiring Ideas for Parents) артикул 9991d.

Book Description This delightful gift book combines witty adages and quotations with humorous, animal-theme photographs as a way for sons and daughters to express affection to their fathers A typical picture caption reads: "By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong " This lighthearted озглд photo-essay volume is perfect as an extra gift or super-elaborate "greeting card" on Father's Day, Dad's birthday, or any other occasion for remembering Dad.  2004 г 128 стр ISBN 0764157582.

A Flash Of Art: Action Photography In Rome, 1953-1973 артикул 9993d.
A Flash Of Art: Action Photography In Rome, 1953-1973 артикул 9993d.

Book DescriptionThe setting: Rome, Italy The era: the 1950s to the 1970s The subject: everyone who was anyone in the international jet-set The theme: hedonism, glamour, and paparazzi It was a time when to be snapped in fashionable Italy, to be a pin-up, and to have a mutually beneficial relationship with the paparazzi were the main objectives for озглр a certain crowd If today the term "paparazzi" carries with it associations of scandal-mongering, voyeurism, and right-to-privacy issues, A Flash of Art harkens back to the golden age of a once glamorous trade, when things were more black and white, as it were Photographs by 22 Italian paparazzi, including Tazio Secchiaroli, Lino Nanni, Elio Sorci, Mario Fabbri, and Marcello Geppetti, recall a Felliniesque era There are a few harbingers of the time to come: pictures of celebrities caught in compromising and/or embarrassing situations One set of images depicts a riled Anita Ekberg threatening another photographer with a bow and arrow as he tries to catch her arriving home after a night out; another shows Jane Mansfield lying in the street having been accosted by "ballerina" Alma del Rio But the posed portraits of Hollywood icons Brigitte Bardot and Omar Sharif, the endless shots of gorgeous ladies in sparkly gowns, vamping for the camera, and the dapper men in dark suits and darker glasses are the real showstoppers Hardcover, 8 25 x 9 in / 372 pgs / 366 tritones.  2005 г 333 стр ISBN 8888359117.

No Man's Land артикул 9995d.
No Man's Land артикул 9995d.

Book Description This is photographer and journalist Larry Towell's documentary account of the Palestinians It reveals the landscape of a scarred and battered "no man's land"-neither fully Palestinian nor Israeli-and the daily life of the people who live there Photographed over 10 years and completed with the support of the prestigious озгль Henri Cartier-Bresson Award (with Towell its first recipient, in 2003), this is Towell's most important body of work to date and a landmark of photographic art and journalism Towell describes the physical and psychological walls that divide Palestinians from Israelis and a land divided against itself in black and white photographs-many of them epic panoramas-that are simultaneously sad, haunting, breathtaking and beautiful Larry Towell lives in rural Ontario, Canada, where he was born in 1953 He studied visual arts at York University in Toronto before beginning to use photography while working as a volunteer in Calcutta in 1976 Concentrating on long, intimate photo essays that combine historical and social concerns with sublime visual poetry, his series on El Salvador, the Mennonites and his own family are widely regarded as the best of contemporary photojournalism His work on the Palestinians is hisfourth major body of work Towell has exhibited widely throughout the world, and his honors are a roll call of the world's leading photography awards, including World Press Photo of the Year, the POY Picture of the Year, the W Eugene Smith Award, the Oskar Barnak, the Roloff Beny and the Eisie Award His photographs have been published in books and magazines throughout the world, and he is a member of Magnum Photos.  2005 г 144 стр ISBN 0954689429.

Polar Oceans from Space (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library) артикул 9997d.
Polar Oceans from Space (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library) артикул 9997d.

The book presents a wealth of material about the polar oceans, more specifically the ice-covered areas and peripheral seas It provides a detailed history of the changing climate of the polar oceans as observed by satellite sensors in the last three decades The satellite research data show spatial distributions of surface temperature, sea ice, озглю albedo, chlorophyll concentration, clouds, ocean color and sea level pressure The book discusses remote sensing techniques and algorithms used to transform digital data to geophysical parameters, to process and analyze the data, the limitations of these data and the enormous potential in the use of this data The main goal of the book is the presentation of results from studies of the time evolution of polar surfaces as observed by satellite sensors and their relevance to the study of cryospheric and ocean processes and climate change The book contains about 150 satellite images of surface parameters which reveal that from month to month and from one year to another the Earth is changing Although the historical record of about three decades of continuous satellite observation is relatively short, these measurements have provided useful insights into the current state of the polar environment and have served as a powerful tool for studying the processes that govern the Earth’s climate system The advent of even more sophisticated technology, including international ventures like the Global Earth Observation System of all Systems (GEOSS), will speed the progress The advances in understanding of the Earth’s climate engine, including the crucial role played by the polar oceans, have been tremendous, and people look forward to being able to forecast effectively the state of the planet in the immediate and foreseeable future.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 440 стр ISBN 0387366288.

Letters To America: A Chance For Us To Listen артикул 9999d.
Letters To America: A Chance For Us To Listen артикул 9999d.

Book DescriptionHow do people around the world view the United States? And what do they want to say to us? This remarkable collection of letters written by women and men from around the world -- Iraq, Rawanda, Laos, Cambodia, India, Canada, Europe, Brazil -- express an elegant range of impressions Now, more than ever the role of the United States in озгмб international affairs is under question at home and abroad, and this is a chance for us to listen to the world This thought-provoking collection alsofeatures 40 B&W photos of the internaitonal correspondents.  2005 г 251 стр ISBN 1883991951.

Коврики своими руками артикул 10001d.
Коврики своими руками артикул 10001d.

Переводчик: Ульяна Сапцина Искусство плетения ковриков переживает эпоху возрождения Тысячи людей во всем мире заново открыли для себя этот древний вид рукоделия Книга "Коврики своими озгмд руками" не только научит вас делать красочные и долговечные изделия для дома, но и, возможно, позволит вам почувствовать, что за ритмичной, творческой работой можно расслабиться и отдохнуть душой Вам понадобится только недорогое оборудование, несложные домашние инструменты, обрезки тканей и простые понятные инструкции из этой книги Даже самые замысловатые узоры вы научитесь плести без труда Этому незатейливому виду рукоделию можно научиться в любом возрасте оно не требует специальных навыков Дети с легкостью осваивают его, а пожилые люди радуются возможности сохранить подвижность и гибкость рук В итоге появляются вещи, которые передаются из поколения в поколение В книге приводятся многочисленные примеры узоров, подробные схемы и фотографии образцов плетения В ней описаны способы изготовления простого оборудования, процесс создания десяти ковриков и советы по разработке собственных узоров - Подробные указания по изготовлению девяти образцов и десяти оригинальных ковриков - Простые способы изготовления домашнего оборудования для плетения - Интересные дизайнерские идеи Бобби Ирвин - признанный авторитет в области искусства плетения ковриков, публикующая статьи о нем во многих журналах Впрочем, Бобби утверждает, что подлинные эксперты - это мастера, которые плетут лоскутные коврики на протяжении более чем пятидесяти лет! Автор Бобби Ирвин Bobbie Irwin.  Издательство: Контэнт, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 112 стр ISBN 5-98150-139-1, 1-87341-898-0 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Twined Rag Rugs.
Декоративные цветы По работам М П Вернейя артикул 10003d.
Декоративные цветы По работам М П Вернейя артикул 10003d.

Переводчик: Алевтина Золотова На рубеже XIX-XX веков французский дизайнер Морис Пийар Верней превратил орнамент в шедевр декоративного искусства Ученик Эжена Грассе, известного озгмй художника Art Nouveau, Верней проявил огромный интерес к природным формам и создал большое число стилизаций по мотивам ириса, лилии, ветреницы и других луковичных, садовых, дикорастущих и водных растений В этой уникальной книге собрано около 180 его изящных узоров для обоев, ткани, керамики, стекла, дерева и металла Цветные узоры выполнены в пластичности, свойственной истинно `новому искусству` Кроме текста самого Вернейя о декоре интерьера - он был яростным защитником идеи важности цвета и его влияния на чувственное восприятие - в книге имеются комментарии Уильяма Вилера, составителя данного издания Хотя этюды Вернейя о метаморфозах обычных цветов в замысловатый изысканный рисунок созданы почти сто лет назад, они по сию пору не теряют своей привлекательности Автор Уильям Вилер (составитель, автор) William Wheeler.  Издательство: Магма, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 176 стр ISBN 5-93428-004-X Тираж: 2500 экз Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

Комплекты для модниц От сумочки до заколки Делаем сами артикул 10005d.
Комплекты для модниц От сумочки до заколки Делаем сами артикул 10005d.

Наша книга о том, как, используя доступные материалы, создавать нарядные, но недорогие предметы туалета Надо запастись тканями, блестками, бисером, нитками, чтобы отработать озгмм навыки изготовления сумок, поясов и украшений Создать комплекты аксессуаров, о которых пойдет речь, по силам как опытным мастерицам, так и новичкам, впервые увлекшимся рукоделием Много интересного найдут для себя поклонницы вышивки, бисероплетения, аппликации, золотного шитья Автор Елена Артамонова.  Издательство: Эксмо, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 64 стр ISBN 978-5-699-20459-5 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x84/8 (~210x280 мм).

Roadsides: Images of the American Landscape артикул 10007d.
Roadsides: Images of the American Landscape артикул 10007d.

Book DescriptionThrough images of diners and cafes, bowling alleys and bars, drive-ins and motels, photographer Kelly Povo has spent the past twenty years capturing the essence of these places on the road Her photographs invite us to revel in their unique designs, and perhaps even find memories in these "Slices of Americana" that dot озгмф the American landscape The book features informative, historical, and enlightening text by Bruce Johansen.  2004 г 112 стр ISBN 0974186031.

Zona : Siberian Prison Camps артикул 10009d.
Zona : Siberian Prison Camps артикул 10009d.

Book DescriptionIts official The gulags of Siberia are no more Solzhenitsins nightmare of the absurd does not exist The prisons are still there, of course, with plenty of customers, probably more than a million, such as the 15-year-old boyserving three and a half years for stealing two hamsters from a Moscow pet shop, or the mother of four who озгмы stole 12 cabbages what can have possessed her? and was rewarded with four years in Siberia So the inhuman lunacy still exists, but it is now officially apolitical In reality it is an economic social endeavour It does not pay to be a poor thief in Russia, since you will not have the resources to avoid the interminable train ride to the East when you are caught Carl De Keyzer took that journey to photograph the prisons today With two army colonels as his shadows, one to the left and one to the right, he photographed what he was allowed to see, and no more But he has revealed a kind of winter wonderland, a Disneyland where all normal credibility is suspended look, for example, at the tattoos in the photographs "Where do they come from?" he asked The answer came: "What tattoos? There are no tattoos They are illegal " So they dont exist Your eyes decieve you It has been said that the collective memory is black and white In Zona, De Keyzer has elaborated on the brocaded fantasy of the Siberian prisons by using brilliant colour, as if from a hallucinatory dream Look at the faces, and then the eyes, of the prisoners There is a Zen despair there, as if they were wearing lederhosen in a remarkable holiday camp They tell a disturbing story.  2003 г 108 стр ISBN 0954264843.

Как шить красиво Практическое руководство для начинающих портных артикул 10011d.
Как шить красиво Практическое руководство для начинающих портных артикул 10011d.

Умение шить красиво - это не только ремесло, но и настоящее искусство Овладеть им может каждый желающий В предлагаемой книге очень доступно рассказывается о всех тонкостях озгнб швейного дела Как снять мерки, сконструировать выкройку, сделать наметку и первый шов - этим и многим другим этапам в создании одежды вы научитесь с помощью этой книги Автор Лариса Двинских.  Издательство: Терра-Книжный клуб, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 192 стр ISBN 5-275-00481-8 Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

This Is War: Witness To Man's Destruction артикул 9958d.
This Is War: Witness To Man's Destruction артикул 9958d.

Book DescriptionThe lens of Moises Saman, war press photographer for New York Newsday, shows war for what it truly is: pain, destruction, darkness His pictures show a reality far removed from the mediated productions of television news, the terrifying reality of people living in conflict in Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq Essays by Matthew озгий McAllester and Peter Ryan Paperback, 9 5 x 6 75 in / 100 pgs / 80 color.  2004 г 100 стр ISBN 8881584824.

Thinking Mathematically (5th Edition) артикул 9960d.
Thinking Mathematically (5th Edition) артикул 9960d.

Blitzer continues to raise the bar with his engaging applications developed to motivate readers from diverse majors and backgrounds Thinking Mathematically, Fifth Edition, draws from the author’s unique background in art, psychology, and math to present math in the context of real-world applications Problem Solving and Critical Thinking; озгит Set Theory; Logic; Number Representation and Calculation; Number Theory and the Real Number System; Algebra: Equations and Inequalities; Algebra: Graphs, Functions, and Linear Systems; Consumer Mathematics and Financial Management; Measurement; Geometry; Counting Methods and Probability Theory; Statistics; Mathematical Systems; Voting and Apportionment; Graph Theory For all readers interested in liberal arts mathematics, quantitative reasoning, finite mathematics, and mathematics for education.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 960 стр ISBN 0321645855.

Corrosion Science and Techology: Mechanism, Mitigation and Monitoring артикул 9962d.
Corrosion Science and Techology: Mechanism, Mitigation and Monitoring артикул 9962d.

Recent advances in instruments and techniques have resulted in better understanding of corrosion science and technology of materials New materials and processes promise technologically superior engineering components with outstanding corrosion resistance This edited comprehensive volume of articles from internationally renowned озгиц experts provides a review of the developments, current understanding, and future directions in their respective fields It contains the latest advancements in corrosion science and offers thorough coverage of corrosion processes It also includes a cutting edge chapter on nano materials and coatings as well as extensive references for each chapter.  2010 г Твердый переплет ISBN 1842655086.

Dietary Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cancer (Diet and Cancer) артикул 9964d.
Dietary Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cancer (Diet and Cancer) артикул 9964d.

Dietary Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cancer provides all the latest information on the possible benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) against a wide series of cancers Several influential scientists in this field have contributed to make this book unique amongst the others published so far in this field The chapters озгйд give detailed information about the results obtained in this field through experimental studies conducted on both animals and cultured cells, as well as through human intervention trials and epidemiological observational studies This book represents an important tool for researchers working in nutrition and oncology, since it collects all the knowledge about omega-3 PUFAs and cancer, even the most recent, in a single publication For the first time controversies among the different studies are also covered with great detail in this book The book enables physicians to clearly understand on a scientific basis if their oncologic patients or patients at risk of cancer could actually benefit from a diet enriched in omega-3 PUFAs or from a dietary supplementation with these fatty acids The book represents also a good resource for ordinary individuals as well as cancer patients to learn more about omega-3 PUFAs and understand how these dietary components may affect cancer growth.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 258 стр ISBN 9048135788.

Шью сама артикул 9966d.
Шью сама артикул 9966d.

Составитель: Вязанкина А В Художники: Е Родикова Барейшин А А В книге подробно рассматривается технология пошивочных работ в домашних условиях: последовательность и приемы озгйк обработки таких деталей одежды, как воротники, рукава, подкладка, застежки и пр Приводится описание различных видов отделки одежды, наиболее часто встречающихся дефектов одежды и способов их устранения Текст снабжен большим количеством рисунков, что значительно облегчает усвоение материала книги и применение на практике полученных знаний Книга предназначена всем, кто любит шить.  Серия: Азбука быта.

Robert Frank: du: Part Two артикул 9968d.
Robert Frank: du: Part Two артикул 9968d.

Book DescriptionForty years after it first published an issue on legendary photographer Robert Frank, the Swiss magazine du is publishing Part Two For years, the editors of du have talked about collaborating once again with the most important living Swiss photographer (Frank was born in Zurich in 1924) Though the photographer has long since finished озгйр with photo journalism, dedicating himself, since 1962, to filmmaking, he has made here a magical exception Together with du, Frank has developed an idea for an issue that stretches the concept of photography to its limits An all-encompassing self-examination, sometimes looking back with melancholia, sometimes moving ahead with a visionary impetus, this publication assembles classic images, new Polaroid works, traces of thoughts, rediscoveries of never-before-shown photographs, and visual diary notes, together with Frank's selections of favorite texts by Kerouac, Burroughs, and Elio Vittorini Paperback, 9 x 13 in , 100 pages,13 color, 60 b/w illustrations.  2003 г 100 стр ISBN 3908247683.

The Whole Building Handbook: Healthy Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Eco-cycles and Place артикул 9970d.
The Whole Building Handbook: Healthy Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Eco-cycles and Place артикул 9970d.

This book is a compendium of all the issues and strategies that architects need to understand to design and construct sustainable buildings for a sustainable society The authors move beyond the current definition of sustainability in architecture, which tends to focus on energy-efficiency, to include guidance for architecture that promotes озгйт social cohesion, personal health, renewable energy sources, water and waste recycling systems, permaculture, energy conservation--and crucially, buildings in relation to their place The authors offer a holistic approach to sustainable architecture and authoritative technical advice, on:* How to design and construct healthy buildings through choosing suitable materials, healthy service systems, and designing a healthy and comfortable indoor climate, including solutions for avoiding problems with moisture, radon and noise as well as how to facilitate cleaning and maintenance * How to design and construct buildings that use resources efficiently, where heating and cooling needs and electricity use is minimized and water-saving technologies and garbage recycling technologies are used * How to "close" organic waste, sewage, heat and energy cycles For example, how to design a sewage system that recycles nutrients * Includes a section on adaptation of buildings to local conditions, looking at how a site must be studied with respect to nature, climate and community structure as well as human activities The result is a comprehensive, thoroughly illustrated and carefully structured textbook and reference.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 464 стр ISBN 1844078337.

There Is No Eye артикул 9972d.
There Is No Eye артикул 9972d.

Book DescriptionIntroduction by Greil Marcus Preface by Patti Smith Art Direction by Yolanda Cuomo Be it in the Peruvian Andes, in Kentucky bluegrass country, in the Gospel churches of Brooklyn, or in Greenwich Village with Bob Dylan and the Beats, famed musician John Cohen's vision transcends history, even while it distills the spirit of a period озгйч and a place There Is No Eye, Cohen's first monograph, is a guided tour through the worlds of outsider artists, poets, and musicians Cohen's lyrical stories of the cultures he has encountered complement his photographs taken over the past five decades Featuring never-before-seen photographs of legendary Beat generation icons, from literary lions Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and Gregory Corso to artists and photographers Grace Hartigan, Franz Kline, Red Grooms, and Robert Frank, and a panoply of American Roots musicians, from Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, and Muddy Waters to Doc Watson, Elizabeth Cotton, and Roscoe Holcomb, There Is No Eye captures some of the most influential artists of our time.  2003 г 200 стр ISBN 1576871711.

Все о рисовании артикул 9974d.
Все о рисовании артикул 9974d.

В эту книгу вошли совершенно секретные материалы: о создании лондонского тумана; об исчезновении рук Венеры Милосской; об умении смотреть и видеть; о застывших звуках; об открытиях, озгйю сделанных с помощью кошки, ванны и пульверизатора; о воображении и воображалах; о таинственных портретах и о том, как человек научился рисовать Автор Адольф Воловик.  Издательства: АСТ, Астрель Твердый переплет, 176 стр ISBN 5-271-00417-1, 5-17-000131-2 Тираж: 10000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Вязаная игрушка артикул 9976d.
Вязаная игрушка артикул 9976d.

Художник: В Фандулев Книга поможет вам научиться вязать оригинальные и очень забавные игрушки: сувениры, карандашницы и многое другое Для работы могут быть использованы остатки озгкл пряжи, кусочки ткани, меха, кожи, разрозненные пуговицы В книге подробно описана технология изготовления поделок, даны схемы вязания и выкройки Предназначена учащимся, их родителям и всем тем, кто хочет сделать свой дом уютней, найти для себя увлекательное занятие Автор Светлана Тарасенко (составитель, автор).  Издательство: Полымя Твердый переплет, 192 стр ISBN 985-07-0170-6 Тираж: 11000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

All Changed : Fifty Years of Photographing Ireland артикул 9978d.
All Changed : Fifty Years of Photographing Ireland артикул 9978d.

Book DescriptionAs Ireland has moved from a traditional to a modern society over the past fifty years, it has seen immense changes in attitude toward the Church, sex, relationships, property, emigration, and life in general Here we see the faces, the landscapes, and the lives of the recently disappeared Ireland—Jack Lynch, JFK, Grace Kelly, озгко Dev, de Gaulle, the Troubles, folk traditions—alongside the new faces and styles of modern society Distributed for O'Brien Press, Dublin Wisconsin edition for sale only in the U S , its territories and dependencies, Canada, and the Philippines.  2005 г 160 стр ISBN 0862788730.

On the Campaign Trail : The Long Road of Presidential Politics, 1860-2004 артикул 9980d.
On the Campaign Trail : The Long Road of Presidential Politics, 1860-2004 артикул 9980d.

Book Description An elated, victorious Truman brandishes a newspaper with the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman " Theodore Roosevelt galvanizes the crowd with a fiery stump speech Richard Nixon wipes away sweat during his debate with a poised JFK Against the backdrop of a towering flag, Reagan captivates crowds with his promise of a stronger, озгкф prouder America Bill Clinton weaves a spell with his saxophone Throughout American history, few events have commanded the undivided attention of the public the way presidential campaigns have Now the enduring moments of inspiration, the humiliating gaffes, and the heartbreaking losses of these campaigns are captured in a historic collection of photographs from America's greatest photojournalists From thedivisive election of Abraham Lincoln to the opening salvos of the 2004 campaign, America's presidents -- and pretenders to the office -- come to life in these pages These men embody not only the drama of their times, but also the great arc of American history They are captured here in pivotal and telling campaign moments: on the stage and behind the scenes, on whistle-stop tours, at high-voltage conventions, and in head-to-head debates Accompanied by political adviser Douglas E Schoen's trenchant essays, the striking photographs in On the Campaign Trail offer a unique view of the moments that have united and divided us during the race for the presidency A fascinating journey in words and images, this landmark collection brings home the drama, fanfare, and power of America's great national contest.  2004 г 416 стр ISBN 0060734825.

Pneumatic Conveying of Solids: A theoretical and practical approach (Particle Technology Series) артикул 9982d.
Pneumatic Conveying of Solids: A theoretical and practical approach (Particle Technology Series) артикул 9982d.

Pneumatic conveying is one of the most popular methods of handling bulk powdered and granular materials in mining, chemical and agricultural industries This 3rd edition of this successful book covers both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject It is unique in its blending of academic materials and good industrial design techniques озгкч Each topic is covered in depth, with emphasis placed on the latest techniques, hardware systems and design and research methodology Its comprehensive worked examples and tables ensure that the reader need not consult any other reference material In this 3rd edition new sections on simulation and modelling have been added, while the use of tomography as a tool for monitoring pneumatic conveying is also covered.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 435 стр ISBN 9048136083.

Aftermath: Bosnia's Long Road to Peace артикул 9984d.
Aftermath: Bosnia's Long Road to Peace артикул 9984d.

Book DescriptionExplores the human costs and consequences of war in Bosnia, with photographs that illuminate the promises and contradictions of this post-war society Marked by ethnic cleansing and the worst genocide since World War II, Bosnia has been quiet since the tanks rolled out and the journalists went home The country is still deep in the озгкщ throes of rebuilding a civil society, and this book pays witness to the process: *the exhumation and identification of approximately 20,000 victims of ethnic cleansing *the widows of Srebrenica, who lost more than 7,000 men to the July 1995 massacre by Serbs *refugee families who return to rebuild homes and villages destroyed in the war *the youth of Sarajevo *and the Bosnians who bearscars of war, including the 3K Sarajevo wheelchair basketball team AUTHORBIO: Sara Terry was a staff writer at the Christian Science Monitor for ten years Her work has also appeared in the NYT Magazine, Rolling Stone, and the Boston Globe She is a 2005 recipient of the Alicia Patterson Fellowship for her reportage on Bosnia Lawrence Weschler, a staff writer for The New Yorker for over 20 years, has written about political tragedies and cultural comedies He is a two-time winner of the George Polk Award, and of a Lannan Literary Award The author of eleven books, including Mr Wilsons Cabinet of Wonder and Vermeer in Bosnia, he has taught at Princeton, Columbia, Bard, and the UCSC He currently serves as the director of the NY Institute for the Humanities at NYU.  2005 г 207 стр ISBN 0974402966.

Дизайнерские идеи для дома и дачи артикул 9986d.
Дизайнерские идеи для дома и дачи артикул 9986d.

Авторы предлагают изделия, которые можно сделать самостоятельно, чтобы украсить интерьер дома, а может быть, и дачи Продуманный, комфортный и уютный мир вашего домашнего очага озгкь будет наполнен символами семейного благополучия и удачи Для этого нужно немногое - шерстяная пряжа, кусочки сатина, ситца, атласа, драпа, парчи, трикотажа, хлопчатобумажная нить, шелковый шнур, шпагат, пенька, сутаж, бахрома плюс неуемная фантазия и желание творить Вы сможете создать потрясающие эксклюзивные вещи в лоскутной технике и технике плетения, фриволите и платочной вязки Декоративные подушки с нежнейшими розами из атласа; витиеватые вазочки, корзинки и кашпо для цветов, сплетенные из репсовых узлов, узоров "кокиль" и витых цепочек; пестрые грелки и прихватки из тканевых кусочков; пушистые коврики с кисточками - все это будет радовать ваших домочадцев и гостей новизной дизайна и оригинальностью подхода к украшению интерьера Авторы Маргарита Максимова Марина Кузьмина.  Издательство: Эксмо, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 80 стр ISBN 5-699-12284-2 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x84/8 (~210x280 мм).

A Good Woman артикул 9988d.
A Good Woman артикул 9988d.

Nineteen-year-old Annabelle Worthington, the only daughter of a wealthy New York banker, weathers a life of unexpected catastrophe with superhuman patience in Steel's solid latest After her father and brother die in the sinking of the Titanic, Annabelle and her mother go into mourning, and Annabelle marries the kindly older banker Josiah Millbank озглб After two years of unconsummated marriage, he reveals that he's contracted syphilis and wants a divorce so he can join his male lover When Annabelle refuses to divorce him, Josiah files for it on the basis of adultery, forcing Annabelle, now the victim of vicious rumors, to flee New York Alone in Paris, she draws on her experience volunteering at Ellis Island to pursue a career as a doctor as WWI looms Steel toys with the premise of a modern woman, though the characterization of Annabelle as a good woman who has been dragged through the mud somewhat mitigates her strength and elemental stubbornness Steel's fans will eat this up—Annabelle is one of the better protagonists Steel's conjured recently Reprint edition Автор Даниэла Стил Danielle Steel Родилась в Нью-Йорке в зажиточной семье Среднее образование получила во Франции, в 1963 году окончила школу дизайна, затем училась в Нью-йоркском университете (1963-67) Работала в рекламных агентствах, с 1980 года - профессиональный.  Издательство: Dell, 2010 г 400 стр ISBN 9780552158428 Язык: Английский.

Аппликации из природных материалов артикул 9990d.
Аппликации из природных материалов артикул 9990d.

Книга предназначена для желающих попробовать свои силы в искусстве аппликации Инкрустация и аппликация из соломы и других природных материалов получили распространение озглг благодаря доступности и простоте заготовки, обработки материала и техники выполнения изделий В книге подробно описаны приемы работы с соломой, стеблями и листьями растений, тополиным пухом, а также техника выполнения пейзажных композиций, натюрмортов, портретов Автор Наталья Голубева.  Издательство: Культура и традиции, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 112 стр ISBN 5-86444-101-5 Тираж: 7000 экз Формат: 84x108/16 (~205х290 мм).

Gioacchino Rossini L'italiana In Algeri (2 CD) артикул 9992d.
Gioacchino Rossini L'italiana In Algeri (2 CD) артикул 9992d.

Автор музыки: Джоаккино Россини Все исполнители Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868) L'italiana In Algeri Dramma Giocoso In Due Atti Libretto: Angelo Anelli (Sung In Russian) Isabella, Signora Italiana - Zara Dolukhanova Mustafa, Bey d'Algeri - Georgi Abramov Lindoro, Giovane Italiano - A Nikitin озглк Taddeo, Compagno D'Isabella - V Zakharov Haly, Capitano De' Corsair Algerini - Anatoly Tikhonov Elvira, Moglie Di Mustafa - G Sakharova Zulma, Schiava Confidente Di Elvira - Anna Matyushina Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra Chorus of the Moscow Radio Samuel Samosud Moscow CD 1: Atto Primo 01 Sinfonia 02 Serenate Il Mesto Ciglo (Coro, Elvira, Zulma, Haly) 03 Delle Donne I'arroganza (Mustafa, Zulma, Haly, Elvira, Coro) 04 Ritiratevi Tutti (Mustafa, Zulma, Elvira, Haly) 05 Languir Per Una Bella (Lindoro, Mustafa) 06 Ah, Quando Fia Che Io Possa In Italia Tornar? (Lindoro, Mustafa) 07 Se Inclinassi A Prender Moglie (Lindoro, Mustafa) 08 Quanta Roba! Quanti Schiavi! (Coro, Haly) 09 Cruda Sorte! Amor Tiranno! (Isabella, Coro) 10 Gia Ci Siam Tanto Fa (Isabella, Taddeo, Haly) 11 Ai Capricci Della Sorte (Isabella, Taddeo, Mustafa, Lindoro, Elvira, Haly) 12 Viva, Viva Il Flagel Delle Donne (Coro, Haly, Mustafa) 13 Oh! Che Muso, Che Figura! (Isabella, Mustafa) 14 Vo' Star Con Mia Nipote (Taddeo, Haly, Mustafa, Isabella) 15 Pria Di Dividerci Da Voi (Elvira, Zulma, Lindoro, Isabella, Mustafa, Haly, Taddeo) 16 Dite: Chi E Quella Femmina? (Isabella, Mustafa, Elvira, Zulma, Lindoro, Coro, Taddeo, Haly) 17 Uno Stupido, Uno Stolto (Coro, Elvira, Zulma, Haly, Mustafa, Isabella) 18 Pur Ti Riveggo Ah No, T'arresta (Lindoro, Isabella, Elvira) 19 Viva Il Grande Kaimakan (Coro, Taddeo, Mustafa) CD 2: Atto Secondo 01 Dunque A Momenti (Isabella, Zulma, Elvira) 02 Per Lui Che Adoro (Isabella, Mustafa, Taddeo, Lindoro) 03 Lo Non Resisto Piu (Mustafa, Lindoro, Taddeo) 04 Ti Presento Di Mia Man Ser Taddeo Kaimakan (Mustafa, Isabella, Taddeo, Lindoro) 05 Ehi! Caffe (Isabella, Lindoro, Mustafa, Taddeo, Elvira) 06 E Tu Speri Di Togliere Isabella (Taddeo, Lindoro, Mustafa) 07 Pappataci! Che Mai Sento? (Mustafa, Lindoro, Taddeo) 08 Pronti Abbiamo E Ferri E Mani (Coro) 09 Amici, In Ogni Evento (Isabella) 10 Pensa Alla Patria (Isabella, Coro) 11 Dei Pappataci S'avanza Il Coro (Lindoro, Coro, Taddeo, Mustafa) 12 Non Sei Tu Che Il Grado Eletto (Isabella, Mustafa, Coro, Lindoro, Taddeo) 13 Son I'aure Seconde, Son Placide I'onde (Coro, Lindoro, Isabella, Taddeo, Mustafa, Zulma, Haly, Elvira) Bonus Tracks Zara Dolukhanova (Sung In Russian) Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868) Il Barbiere Di Siviglia Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra Grigory Stolarov January 15, 1954 Atto Primo 14 Une Voce Poco Fa (Rosina) Gioacchino Rossini Semiramide Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra Grigory Stolarov January 15, 1954 Atto Primo No 2 Recitativo E Cavatina 15 Eccomi Alfine In Babilonia Ah, Quell Giorno Ognor Rammento… Oh, Come Da Quell Di Tutto Per Me Cangio (Arsace) Gioacchino Rossini Semiramide With: G Sakharova As Semiramide USSR Radio Orchestra Alexei Kovaliov Atto Primo No 6 Duettino 16 Serbami Ognor Si Fido Il Cor Alle Piu Care Immagini (Semiramide, Arsace) Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864) Les Hugenots USSR Radio Orchestra Onissim Bron Acte Premier 17 Cavatine : Nobles Seigneurs Salut! (Page Urbain) Acte Deuxieme 18 Rondo : Non, Non ,Non… Vous N'anez Jamais, Je Gage (Page Urbain) Издание содержит 16-страничный буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском языке Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Зара Долуханова Георгий Абрамов Анатолий Тихонов.  Формат: 2 Audio CD (Box Set) Дистрибьютор: IMC Music Ltd Португалия Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2005 г Сборник: Импортное издание.

Школа флористики артикул 9994d.
Школа флористики артикул 9994d.

Переводчик: Марина Авдонина Цветы не только радуют нас своей красотой и свежестью, но и позволяют выразить бесконечное многообразие чувств Сегодня не существует строгих озглф правил и жестких ограничений доминирующих стилей или определенной моды на составление букетов или создание нарядных цветочных композиций Работа с цветами стала способом выразить личные эмоции, собственные понятия о красоте и дизайне Свободное творчество, подкрепленное разработками авторитетных флористов, позволяет создать волшебную атмосферу праздника для каждого, кто наслаждается красотой истинного чуда природы - цветами Автор Руби Бегония Ruby Begonia.  Издательство: Эксмо, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 112 стр ISBN 978-5-699-14678-9 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 70x90/16 (~170х215 мм).

Flower Arranging.
Стильные сумки от пляжных до гламурных артикул 9996d.
Стильные сумки от пляжных до гламурных артикул 9996d.

Сумка относится к самым важным деталям вашего гардероба Любую одежду вы можете сделать стильной при помощи правильно подобранной сумки Прочитав эту книгу, вы сможете самостоятельно озглэ сшить всевозможные сумки и сумочки из замши, бархата, атласа, вельвета, искусственного меха или джинсовой ткани Украсьте вашу сумку вышивкой, лентами, накладными деталями, связанными на спицах или крючком, дополните ансамбль шарфом или палантином - и вы всегда будете выглядеть превосходно! Автор Анна Чудновская.  Серия: Азбука рукоделия.

Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator (3rd Edition) (Triola Statistics Series) артикул 9998d.
Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator (3rd Edition) (Triola Statistics Series) артикул 9998d.

KEY BENEFIT: Mario Triola remains the market-leading statistics author by engaging readers with an abundance of real data in the examples, applications, and exercises Statistics is all around us, and Triola helps students understand how this course will impact their lives beyond the classroom–as consumers, citizens, and professionals озгля Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator, Third Edition provides extensive instruction for using the TI-83 and TI-84 Plus (and Silver Edition) calculators for statistics, with information on calculator functions, images of screen displays, and projects designed exclusively for the graphing calculator Drawn from Triola’s Elementary Statistics, Eleventh Edition, this text provides the same student-friendly approach with material presented in a real-world context The Third Edition contains more than 2,000 exercises, 87% are new, and 82% use real data It also contains hundreds of examples; 86% are new and 94% use real data By analyzing real data, students are able to connect abstract concepts to the world at large, learning to think statistically and apply conceptual understanding using the same methods that professional statisticians employ KEY TOPICS: Introduction to Statistics; Summarizing and Graphing Data; Statistics for Describing, Exploring, and Comparing Data; Probability; Discrete Probability Distributions; Normal Probability Distributions; Estimates and Sample Sizes; Hypothesis Testing; Inferences from Two Samples; Correlation and Regression; Goodness-of-Fit and Contingency Tables; Analysis of Variance; Nonparametric Statistics; Statistics Process Control; Projects, Procedures, Perspectives For all readers interested in using the TI-83/84 Plus calculator to learn statistics.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 896 стр ISBN 0321641485.

Mineralogy (3rd Edition) артикул 10000d.
Mineralogy (3rd Edition) артикул 10000d.

This reader-friendly reference is written in a casual, jargon-free style to present a modern introduction to mineralogy It emphasizes real-world applications and the history and human side of mineralogy The author approaches the subject by explaining the larger, understandable topics first, and then explaining why the “little things” озгмв are important for understanding the larger picture Elements and Minerals; Crystallization and Classification of Minerals; Mineral Properties: Hand Specimen Mineralogy; Optical Mineralogy; Igneous Rocks and Silicate Minerals; Sedimentary Minerals and Sedimentary Rocks; Metamorphic Minerals and Metamorphic Rocks; Ore Deposits and Economic Minerals; Crystal Morphology and Symmetry; Crystallography; Unit Cells, Points, Lines, and Planes; X-Ray Diffraction and Mineral Analysis; Atomic Structure; Descriptions of Minerals A comprehensive reference for anyone interested in learning more about mineralogy.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 453 стр ISBN 0321663063.

The Ecology of Fungal Entomopathogens артикул 10002d.
The Ecology of Fungal Entomopathogens артикул 10002d.

Understanding of the ecology of fungal entomopathogens has vastly increased since the early 1800a??s, but remains challenging The often complex interactions between pathogen and host are being unravelled through eloquent research and the importance of the often subtle interactions, in determining the success or failure of biological control, озгми cannot be underplayed The realm of ecology is vast and deciphering insect-fungal pathogen interactions within an ecological context will take us on voyages beyond our imagination This book brings together the work of renowned scientists to provide a synthesis of recent research on the ecology of fungal entomopathogens exploring host-pathogen dynamics from the context of biological control and beyond Dr Helen Roy leads zoological research in the Biological Records Centre at the NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK The focus of her research is insect community interactions with particular emphasis on the effects of environmental change She has been working on the ecological interactions between fungal entomopathogens and their hosts for 15 years; this continues to be a source of fascination She has been an associate editor of BioControl since 2006 Dr Dave Chandler is an insect pathologist at the University of Warwick, UK He has studied entomopathogenic fungi for just over 20 years He has particular interests in entomopathogenic fungi as biocontrol agents of horticultural crops, fungal physiology and ecology, and the pathogens of honeybees Dr Mark Goettel is an insect pathologist at the Lethbridge Research Centre of Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, specializing in the development of fungal entomopathogens as microbial control agents of insects In addition to this research, he has been extensively involved in the review and revision of the regulations for registration of microbial control agents and has addressed regulatory and safety issues at the international level He is currently President of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology and has been Editor-in-Chief of Biocontrol Science & Technology since 2000 Dr Judith K Pell heads the Insect Pathology Group in the Department for Plant and Invertebrate Ecology at Rothamsted Research, UK She leads research on the ecology of fungal entomopathogens, to elucidate their role in population regulation and community structure and to inform biological control strategies Specifically: intraguild interactions; the relationships between guild diversity, habitat diversity and ecosystem function; pathogen-induced host behavioural change Dr Eric Wajnberg is a population biologist specialising in behavioural ecology, statistical modelling and population genetics He is also an expert in biological control, with more than 20 years experience of working with insect parasitoids He has been the Editor in Chief of BioControl since 2006 Dr Fernando E Vega is an entomologist with the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, in Beltsville, Maryland, USA He conducts research on biological methods to control the coffee berry borer, the most important insect pest of coffee throughout the world He is co-editor, with Meredith Blackwell, of Insect-Fungal Associations: Ecology and Evolution, published by Oxford University Press in 2005, and serves as an Editorial Board Member for Fungal Ecology.  2010 г Твердый переплет, 250 стр ISBN 9048139651.

Живопись и рисунок гуашью Самоучитель артикул 10004d.
Живопись и рисунок гуашью Самоучитель артикул 10004d.

Книга предназначена для самообразования по основам изобразительной грамоты для всех желающих, в том числе и для тех, кто убежден, что не обладает способностями к рисованию озгмл Автор предлагает принципиально новую методику освоения законов станковой живописи: начинать самообучение основам рисуночной грамоты не с традиционных графических материалов, а с навыков рисования кистью Рисунок и живопись трактуются как единое целое Это принципиальное новшество, прошедшее проверку на практике как со студентами, так и с самодеятельными художниками Автор Евгений Морозов.  Издательство: Эксмо, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 72 стр ISBN 5-699-18368-X Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 84x108/16 (~205х290 мм).

Стильный бисер Современно и уникально артикул 10006d.
Стильный бисер Современно и уникально артикул 10006d.

Изделия из бисера всегда оригинальны и элегантны Это та "изюминка", которая придает изысканность любому наряду и подчеркивает вкус его обладательницы Бисер недорог озгмс и вполне доступен, поэтому вы сможете самостоятельно изготовить модные аксессуары и украшения, воспользовавшись нашей книгой Данное издание содержит уникальные авторские разработки моделей бисера Мастер бисероплетения поделилась знаниями и накопленным опытом и раскрыла все свои секреты обращения с бисером Благодаря использованию доступных материалов и несложных методов плетения все изделия легко выполнимы Их может изготовить любой - от начинающего до мастера Поможет в этом детальная пошаговая инструкция сборке моделей, которая сопровождается подробными цветными схемам, фотографиями изделия и его конструктивных элементов В книге дается перечень материалов и их расход Отличительной особенностью данного издания является указание предполагаемого времени изготовления аксессуаров украшений из бисера Ваше терпение и рекомендации автора помогут вам стать настоящим профессионалом в создании удивительных вещей из бисера Автор Елена Вирко.  Серия: Азбука рукоделия.

Fun & Fabulous Curtains to Sew: 15 Easy Designs for the Complete Beginner артикул 10008d.
Fun & Fabulous Curtains to Sew: 15 Easy Designs for the Complete Beginner артикул 10008d.

Window treatments can play a vital role in a room's personality and these 15 projects are simple to make, marvelous to look at, and thoroughly up to date You won't find Grandma's dull drapes here: The designs are clean and contemporary, employing such popular sewing techniques as exposed raw edges With the help of an easy to follow and generously illustrated озгмщ basics section, novices will quickly master all the skills They'll learn how to make various headings (casings, tabs, grommets, ties) and different ways of constructing an assortment of curtains lined, unlined, or caf? style Select from funky valances, smooth shades, ribbon sheers, serious silk curtains, and perfectly pleated draperies Many of the projects incorporate the hottest new embellishments, including embroidery, trims, and sequins Автор Валери Ван Арсдейл Шредер Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader.  Издательство: Lark Books, 2007 г 112 стр ISBN 1579907946 Язык: Английский.

Learning from Cyber-Savvy Students: How Internet-Age Kids Impact Classroom Teaching артикул 10010d.
Learning from Cyber-Savvy Students: How Internet-Age Kids Impact Classroom Teaching артикул 10010d.

As the Internet shifts from novelty to common household utility, more and more students are coming to school with Internet experience How will students' and teachers' roles, and schools as institutions, change as these Internet-age kids enter classrooms that are fully equipped with networked computers? This book offers a unique preview of the озгмь issues and challenges teachers will face as their classrooms become fully connected to the Internet Anne Hird spent six months observing a class at a school where the future has already arrived She presents a vivid and insightful account--often reported through the students' own words--of how young teens use computers in and out of school; how they perceive the world shaped by the Internet; and how thesefactors shape their expectations for classroom learning Hird observes and reflects on the paradox that confronts teachers in this new environment They are expected to guide students in learning with a cognitive tool that was not part of the teachers' experience as students, while students' familiarity with the Internet calls into question the authority of the teacher on which the traditional teacher-student relationship is based She offers a strategy for professional development that recognizes andbuilds on this inevitable shift in the teacher-student relationship This is an absorbing, thought-provoking and practical book for all educators--individual teachers and administrators alike--concerned about the integration of computer technology into elementary and secondary school classrooms.  ISBN 1579220304.

Adobe GoLive 6 for Dummies артикул 10012d.
Adobe GoLive 6 for Dummies артикул 10012d.

Tamed and translated for the novice or professional, Adobe GoLive 6 For Dummies will get you up to speed quickly with the latest version of Adobe GoLive -- the ideal software for creating engaging, dynamic and static Web sites Provides great advice for effective site design and management This fast and friendly book shows you how to use GoLive's built-in озгнв features for JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, and other technologies.  ISBN 0764516299.

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